Deal Registration

Thank you!

We appreciate your business and for choosing Wallboard as your trusted CMS partner.

Please enter your opportunity information using the link below and someone from our sales team will reach out to you asap.
Please click here to link to our deal registration form
In order try to prevent any sort of channel conflict and to properly protect you on the opportunities that you are working on, we would like to formally clarify our policy for deal registration.

Registering a Deal

Partners must register all deals via our online deal registration form. Once a deal is submitted, it will be recorded in our internal CRM and your WB representative will reach out to you/your rep within 48 hours to verify proper form completion and confirm registration or to communicate a deal registration rejection with a valid explanation.
Deal Registration Rejection

While not an exhaustive list, deals may rejected for some of the following reasons:

- Another partner has already registered the opportunity
- The deal submission form was not properly completed or missing key information
- Deal registration opportunity came from an RFQ/RFP and there is no identifiable communication b/w the partner and the end customer
Deal Protection

Unless otherwise approved in writing by a WB representative for a specific deal registration period, a registered deal will receive deal protection for 90 days from the date of registration. Deal protection means that you as the designated partner will be the only partner to receive any pre-sales support from the WB team and we will not allow other partners to order licenses for this registered deal unless we receive a written request from the end-usercustomer providing an adequate reason why they do not wish to purchase licenses from the registered partner.
Communication Expectations for Registered Deals

In exchange for providing deal protection, we would request some reasonable level of communication on deal progress through the registration period. While this does not mean any pro-active communication on your part, we would request timely responses to email update or catch-up call requests to discuss active/registered deals. If a partner becomes un-responsive, we do reserve the right to send email notice that deal registration will be cancelled within 5 business days without any further response.