
10 Digital Signage Statistics for 2023 That Prove It Works!

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The facts are in, and they all point to the effectiveness of digital signage. There’s a reason why the digital signage industry is so expansive – it’s because it works.

Digital signage helps businesses and organizations across all industries.

Still don’t believe the hype?

Then check out these proven digital signage statistics to change your mind. Along the way, pay attention to ways to make the best use of digital signage at your company.

#1. 80% of Customers Choose to Enter Stores After Seeing Digital Signage

Are you having a hard time getting new customers to try out your store? Then installing digital signage outside is the way to go.

A 2012 survey by FedEx Office found that eight out of 10 consumers entered an unfamiliar store after seeing a digital sign. That’s proof that digital signage is a powerful tool for retail stores.

Even with all the distractions out there, a lively digital sign does a fantastic job of standing out.

For restaurant owners, set up digital menu boards nearby to encourage pedestrians to take that leap of faith.

#2. Digital Media in Public Venues Reaches More Consumers Than the Internet or Facebook

This is one of the most impressive digital signage statistics because of what it implies.

According to an in-depth study by Arbitron, digital media in public reaches 70% of Americans. That’s significantly more than the Internet (43%) or Facebook (41%).

Focusing all your digital media efforts online means you’re missing out on a large chunk of your audience. Uploading media to your digital signage in public is the most effective way for it to reach the most people.

#3. Digital Signage Reaches 135 Million People a Week

If you’re after a sure-fire way to improve brand awareness – you need to make use of digital signage.

That same Arbitron study found that a whopping 135 million teens and adults see digital signage displays each week.

And that’s just one side of the story…

The study only counted views from inside the United States. The global digital signage market reaches even more people every single day.

#4. 19% of Consumers Made Impulse Purchases After Seeing Digital Ads

This statistic proves that digital signage does more than bring in customers. It’s also a great way to boost revenue.

Arbitron’s study determined that 19% of consumers bought something impulsively due to a digital signage ad.

If you’re a retail store owner wanting to earn more, installing digital signage is an excellent choice.

#5. Digital Signage Grants a Recall Rate of 83%

An advertisement won’t do your business much good if customers can’t remember it. Traditional advertising methods tend to be bland and forgettable.

Digital signage is precisely the opposite.

According to a 2015 study by the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA), digital signage has a recall rate of 83%.

That means when consumers see a digital ad, they’re paying attention. Also, digital signage that uses animations and videos catches more attention than static displays.

#6. 71% of Consumers Said Digital Signage Stands Out More Than Online Ads

The fantastic recall rate wasn’t the only thing the OAAA found in their study. When polled, 71% of consumers said digital signage stuck out more to them than online ads.

Instead of wasting your marketing budget on dull online banner ads, you’ll benefit more from using digital signage.

#7. 70% of Hotel Guests Find Digital Signage Entertaining

Digital signage and hotels are a match made in Heaven. Hotel owners can use it for:

  • Digital reader boards containing hotel events
  • Digital wall art for restaurants
  • Digital menu boards for cafe’s and gift shops
  • Virtual concierge displays

These are but a few of the digital signage trends present in the hospitality industry.

And the good news?

Hotel guests love it!

A guide by KeyWest Technology found that 70% of hotel guests find digital displays entertaining. Digital signage can captivate while informing guests at the same time.

#8. 75% of Hospital Patients Recalled at Least One Message from a Digital Sign

Digital signage has its place in the medical industry too. Digital signs can inform and educate patients while they wait.

A study by Arbitron Inc. found that 75% of hospital patients could recall at least one message from a digital sign. If you have essential information for your patients, your best bet is to add it to your digital signage.

#9. Digital Signage Cuts Perceived Wait Times by 35%

Nobody likes waiting in line. Whether it’s a hospital waiting room or the line at the DMV, waiting a long time is frustrating.

Digital signage helps alleviate the monotony.

According to Digital Signage Today, digital displays reduce perceived waiting times by 35%.

It’s much easier to wait if you have something to do. Rather than waiting idly, customers can check news updates and weather reports.

#10. 29.5% of Customers Take Influence from Digital Menus

This guide from Eclipse Digital Media claims 29.5% of customers make purchases because of digital menus.

It’s further proof that digital signage will add to your overall revenue.

Restaurants, cafes, coffee houses, and other establishments that use menus need to digitize them.

Use Wallboard to Take Advantage of All These Statistics

Now that you’ve seen credible proof of why digital signage works, it’s time to take the next step. If you’re ready to enjoy more revenue and happier customers, don’t wait to try out Wallboard. Feel free to schedule a free consultation with our team today.

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